I laugh...and I laugh, make the best thing to cheer you up
'coz i don't wanna let any single smile of yours...change...
change become my sadness thing at my face, my eyes...
Darling...wondering the time when I saw you're crying
I try...and I try, make the best thing to cool you down
'coz i don't wanna let any single tears of yours...fall...
fall become flood of distress thing in my my heart, my soul...
Oh darling...what can we do to make it ours?
just, you & me...
Oh darling...what can we do to make it true?
to show that our love is last forever...
Love...our true love has been destroy
and we had been separate...far apart
You...you have been took away from me
and I've to walked away...from your heart
but, babe...please know and hear this clearly...
I'll always, always love you & miss you so...